Day 14: Get Enough Sleep 💤

Good Night World 😌

Good Night World 😌

Lack of sleep drags down mood, memory, focus, and immune function; it may even contribute to weight gain. – Gretchen Ruben

Sleep has always been an important part of my day – but my first sign of stress is trouble falling asleep, staying asleep, or tossing and turning all night 😳.  Although I’ve always made an effort to get at least 7 hours of sleep a night, college opened up my eyes to the hundreds upon thousands of students who stay awake all hours of the day just to finish their projects, exams, papers, and other ‘activities.’  In my opinion, their lack of sleep is actually what’s making their productivity dwindle and their overall speed decrease.  I am a firm believer that ‘getting an extra few hours of sleep instead of cramming for an exam’ can improve your overall score 💯 .  In fact, by making sure to get about 8 hours of sleep per night in college I was also able to earn nearly straight A’s, be active in my sorority, hang out with my friends, be in multiple honor societies, AND go out on Friday nights!  Party On!  🎉

What will you be able to accomplish on a good nights sleep? 💤 💤 💤