Day 11: Quit Nagging


Nothing’s worse than the person who’s constantly nagging for you to get something done that you absolutely, positively don’t want to do.  Now, think about how annoying this person is and reflect on yourself.  See any similarities?  If you do – follow the guidelines below that Gretchen listed for her day 11 resolution to “stop nagging.”  You may find that these will help you get your point across in the future, I know I will!

  • It’s annoying to hear a hectoring voice, so suggest tasks without words. Leave a note, send an email, put a bottle out on the counter to suggest that the prescription needs re-filling.
  • If you need to voice a reminder, limit yourself to one word or phrase. Instead of barking out, “Now remember, I’ve told you a dozen times, stop off at the grocery store, we need milk, if you forget, you’re going right back out!” Instead, call out, “Grocery store!” or “Milk!”
  • Don’t insist that a task be done on your schedule. “You’ve got to trim those hedges today!” Says who? Try, “When are you planning to trim the hedges?” If possible, show why something needs to be done by a certain time. “Will you be able to trim the hedges before our party next week?”
  • Assign chores based on personal priorities. If you hate a messy bedroom, make tidying the bedroom your job.
  • Re-frame: decide that you don’t mind doing a chore—like putting clothes in the hamper or hanging up wet towels. This is often surprisingly easy.
  • No carping from the sidelines. If someone else makes the travel arrangements, don’t criticize the flight time. If someone else gets the kids dressed, don’t mock the outfits. If you want something done your way, do it yourself.
  • Remember that messy areas tend to stay messy, and tidy areas tend to stay tidy. If you want others to be neat, be neat yourself.

Day 10: Follow a Threshold Ritual

Juicy Lucy Burger in MN!

Juicy Lucy Burger in MN!

To remind yourself to feel grateful for the people you love, consider taking a moment each time you enter or leave your house to reflect lovingly on your home and the people you see every day. – Gretchen Ruben


I always thought it was a strange tradition to sit down at the table on Thanksgiving Day and go from person to person explaining what you’re thankful for.  Shouldn’t we do this every day?  Well, maybe not every day, but definitely more than once a year!  Although it’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of everyday activities, it’s also easy to take simple pleasures for granted and forget how important it is to reflect on your blessings and those you love.  Simple blessings such as having a warm shower every morning and hot coffee to wake up are not pleasures that everyone gets to experience on a daily basis.  I know I’m blessed to be where I am today – in a nice apartment, driving a brand new car, and coming home to a loving fiancé – and I should make more of an effort not to follow a threshold ritual!  I vow to take a moment every now and again and reflect on the people in my life that I could not live without, and thank God for the roof over my head and the warm meal on the table.  I believe that this small conquest will help me towards a life of unlimited happiness!


Day 9: Plan a Nice Little Surprise! 💎

Studies show that we react more strongly to an unexpected pleasure than to an expected one. – Gretchen Ruben

IMG_2645The resolution to plan a nice little surprise is a perfect excuse to tell the world that Tyler surprised me with a diamond ring last weekend in Chicago and WE’RE OFFICIALLY ENGAGED!!! 💍 I am a firm believer in the fact that the brain gets a tad bigger when we’re surprised, and I can say with certainty that this surprise engagement is definitely at the top of my list of my most memorable moments 🎈.  (Sorry mom, as much as I loved your surprise birthday parties 🎉 growing up, my engagement is definitely a list topper.)  Although, this wasn’t at all considered a ‘little’ surprise – it was definitely a great way for him to show me that he’s ready to take our relationship to the next level and officially begin our lives together.  In the future, I want to work harder to show Tyler how much I love him by throwing him nice, little surprises as well.  What will I do next?  Hmmm maybe I’ll pick up a movie and a 6 pack 🍻 on the way home 😋


Well – Now that the cat’s out of the bag – what’s your dream way of being proposed to?  How did you propose?  Or how did he pop the question?  I want to hear your stories!


💜 Adrien