Day 8: Control the Cubicle in Your Pocket 💻

Flashback to 2012: First iPhone

Flashback to 2012: First iPhone!

Many of us walk around with a cubicle in our pocket, and we always have the feeling that we should be working, or could be working—or we actually are working! At home, this constant pull toward work can distract us from the people to whom we want to give our time and attention. – Gretchen Ruben

Luckily, controlling the “cubicle in my pocket” has never really been a challenge for my loved ones or me because we’ve always made an effort to disconnect from the day’s work activities once we pass through the front door.  But many families struggle with the constant need to work and this ‘need’ can be detrimental to the overall family dynamic.  I personally have never understood this, but I believe there are little things that the traditional workaholic can do to limit distractions.  One thing that I do in order to keep myself disconnected from the office while at home is: Not connecting my work emails to my personal phone.  Since the world today has more advanced cellphone users than ever before, I can see how getting work emails sent to your precious devise would seem like a necessity, but it’s important to disconnect.  I’ve heard horror stories about people who went years without getting their work emails straight to their cell phone and once they connected…they never went back.  Before they knew it, they were addicted to checking their phone inbox, limiting both family and personal time.  If possible, make an attempt to leave your work phone in your brief case for the night or make the change to not get your work emails to your personal phone.  Easier said than done (I know, I know), but give it a try and I assure you that there will be no regrets!

Green Bay Packer Game in the Company Suite with my Coworkers: